Narrated by Jared MooreText Published 4/20/2022: Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode. Source link
Author: Matt Taibbi and Jared Moore
A furious controversy in the richest county in America was about race, all right, but not in the way national…
Another week, another round of editorials trying to explain away reality. Read by Jared Moore. Find us on Apple Podcasts…
Will Twitter Become an Ocean of Suck?Jack Dorsey, the extend-o-bearded CEO who co-founded Twitter and whose fame grew with that…
Thanksgiving Day is here, and as is the fashion, it’s taking a beating. “What is Thanksgiving to Indigenous People? ‘A…
The Rittenhouse Verdict is Only Shocking if You Followed the Last Year of Terrible Reporting Kyle Rittenhouse was found not…
After the WMD mess, Judith Miller got the blame, while a long list of just-as-guilty media villains failed upward. Now,…
Another Humorous Substack Panic“The Substack Scaries are Over for Media Companies,” announced Axios today, in a tweet tagged to a…
As the country again prepares to go to war with itself, this time over a high-profile trial, a bigger story…
With last night’s loony response to the indictment of Igor Danchenko, the MSNBC anchor takes a bold leap off the…