It took me a year before I finally succumbed to a phone that would accept 5G. They bugged me and bugged me by phone and email and text messages to upgrade to this new phone. I resent this all to hell.
I don’t much like it—this new phone. I hate the damn thing. It makes far more noise than my old one. It seems to want an inordinate amount of my attention and I don’t know how to use it and don’t want to learn. I will never learn any of its features because I just don’t bloody care and do not want to spend my life with my head down staring at a little screen.
But perhaps I should not complain. The reason I’m not going to complain is because today I got my very first “Emergency Alert!” That scared the living bejesus out of me for a few seconds. I didn’t know about such things or that this one was coming. I had no idea what the hell had happened. War? Alien invasion from Mars? Catastrophic tornadoes on the way?
It was just a test. Just for the record, if anybody in charge is listening: It is not good to test these things on us older people. We are faint-hearted at the best of times these days.
Anyway, I didn’t go to the website where they apparently have a long list of things we can do in case of an emergency. I figure a wing and a prayer is the best option when you’ve got more years of living behind you than in front of you. But that’s just me. And that’s probably not a good way to approach this at all. I know. However, this whole thing got me thinking.
Now I know that thinking is not popular these days, but if you stop to think about it at all, it is entirely possible that we all would have been better off if we’d done nothing whatsoever to protect the planet from climate change.
Yes. I know. That’s an unpopular thought, but even still… if you think about it… Instead of just finding a way to survive regular catastrophes big and small (as humans have been doing for a very very long time) we get to spend our time surviving global wars, possibly engineered pestilences, starvation, economic collapse, population reduction and 5G phones. And we also get to spend our time watching leaders and politicians making some of the most outrageous decisions!
We might have just been better off whistling in the wind. And yes, possibly dying but at least it would make sense. We could just die from avalanches or starvation or fires or crustal shift or solar flares or methane bogs or middle-aged body part degeneration. Yes, instead of all this stuff we actually will likely die from things we ourselves created to destroy ourselves in order to protect ourselves, if that makes sense. (Or “they” did… the ones who are saving us all.) Yeah. The more I think of it, the better off we’d all have been. And we wouldn’t have to necessarily eat bugs much.
But we couldn’t have that now could we? If we had taken that approach think of all the people who would not have been employed to save our sorry situation?
Think of all the grand plans and piecharts and disaster simulation meetings that would have never happened. Think of that! All the bureaucrats without direction beyond actually doing mundane things for the people who pay them their salaries? All the scientists and engineers who would simply have to contend with the way the world was instead of spending their lives changing and fiddling and wrecking things to the point that they end up creating more problems than they solve? All the leaders dedicated to breaking what is not broken in order to fix it. All the politicians and their communication experts without a topic for pontificating zealously about to an ever incompetent press and befuddled public? All the corporations without a brave new future to invest in to fleece us and/or our governments out of more money. All the celebrities without a reason to pretend to be caring? All the banksters simply carrying on making their obscene profits until there were no profits to be seen. All the protestors without a real reason to protest?
Oh imagine the simple elegance of accepting that what is, is in fact, just what it is and we don’t need to control it? Or in fact, change it in any way. Or make anything equitable and fair. We could just drift happily and perhaps miserably to our demise in our given familiar circumstances without all the hooplas. Because it is the hooplas that are going to be the ultimate death of us. Everything is a big deal and it is overwhelming us. Yep. The hooplas will kill us. If the wars don’t…. I do so wish “they’d” leave us all alone for a change. We don’t much like them. We tried. But we don’t. And we won’t.
And here is your earworm for the day:
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Originally Published: 2024-05-10 03:00:28
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