James Roguski
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While correlation alone does not prove causation, the association in time between the rollout and these concerning trends has now been coupled with demonstrable biological mechanisms of harm as well as surveillance studies and reanalysis of early trial data showing high rates of serious adverse events. Together, these issues raise a pressing question about a potential causal link.
Given that this new technology was rapidly approved despite a lack of long-term safety data, the burden of proof falls on those advocating for it to provide clear evidence that any such causal link is not significant and that any ongoing benefit unequivocally outweighs the risks.
Independent investigations must be properly resourced to allow an assessment of toxicity for all these products, including a full exploration of mechanisms of harm in order to provide a deep insight into their impact on the human body.
This should be combined with calls to the scientific community for the authors of unpublished vaccine studies to once again come forward. This will help address publication bias whereby unfavourable findings are potentially rejected or withheld due to fears of reputational damage. Crucially, government bodies and the pharmaceutical industry must also provide full transparency, granting access to previously-undisclosed anonymised patient-level data from clinical trials and surveillance programs.
These cumulative actions will help determine the true extent of the damage caused by these therapies.
Vaccine-injured persons must be recognised and vaccine injury de-stigmatised; investigation into harms will aid this process and ultimately help provide better treatments.
Support should meantime include readily-accessible multidisciplinary clinics offering investigation and treatment by specially-trained healthcare professionals, as well as adequate compensation for all those shown to have been adversely affected.
Fundamental and cherished principles of medical ethics were disregarded on the premise of an emergency. These included: ‘first do no harm’, the precautionary principle, informed consent, bodily autonomy and the notion that adults protect children – not the other way around. Also particularly concerning was the erosion of free speech, a democratic principle that underpinned the ability to question untested interventions whilst ensuring other principles were upheld. The consequence was exposing the public, especially healthy young people, including children, to unnecessary risk of harm.
In fact, it is precisely during times of crisis that we must rely on our principles most. Therefore, to restore them, we must first acknowledge they were wrongly abandoned; only then can we commit to upholding them consistently and in doing so better protect future generations.
By drawing attention to these medical and ethical issues surrounding the Covid-19 response via a consensus of concerned professionals and the public, we hope to validate and amplify the call to establish the relevant facts and ensure vital lessons are learned.
An honest and thorough investigation is needed, addressing the root causes that have led us to this place, including institutional groupthink, conflicts of interest and the suppression of scientific debate.
We ultimately seek a renewed commitment to the core principles of ethical medicine, returning to an era of transparency, accountability and responsible decision-making throughout the sphere of public health.
The Hope Accord refers to a “growing body of evidence” suggesting concerns about modified mRNA products. While the full extent of this evidence encompasses hundreds of studies and reports, we provide here a selection of resources from our founders that together offer comprehensive overviews and analyses of the available data.
The following resources delve into the underlying systemic and cultural factors that contributed to the issues addressed by the Hope Accord:
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The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Originally Published: 2024-07-01 13:02:59
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