Erin Galvin
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The time is upon us, quite literally, to make a decision. Do we sit back, see how it all pans out, and hope for the best? Despite the ever-growing police state? Despite the never-ending manufactured inflation? Despite the surveillance satellites?
Or do we face reality? The propaganda apparatus is becoming more and more apparent. People who may not have previously realized just how involved we are in “foreign wars” are realizing now with the genocide of Palestinians, funded with our money.
People who once blindly trusted our medical institutions are now questioning them after the terrifying response to Covid. They saw how delicate our bodily autonomy is, and how easily it could be taken away.
More and more Americans are facing the harsh realities of never being able to own a house, or raise children, or retire at a reasonable age. And they’re fucking angry.
I’m willing to bet that yes, our rulers know this. I’m willing to bet they envision a time where we do rise up and revolt, which is exactly why they’re quietly building a digital prison around us.
But there is nothing saying that we can’t be prepared or organized or building community right now. I would say that it is likely the most important thing we could be doing, in fact.
I understand that people are divided- but there is one thing that unites us, and that is the survival of our species. We won’t be able to do it without one another. It is our only advantage at this point. And as we’ve seen from campus protesting (regardless of whether or not you agree with it), when people outnumber police, we can protect one another far more efficiently.
I’m not crazy enough to believe that this will be easy. But I’m also not crazy enough to believe that doing nothing will be easier. Revolution is not a wish- it is a necessity.
Those in positions of great power will never relinquish that power, ever. Power corrupts and we are talking about people who are so completely disconnected from their humanity that they most literally view us as nothing more than the cattle that they pump full of chemicals and slaughter by the billions. We are nothing to them.
I always hear the argument that they would never kill us off because they need us for labor- which by the way, is not a great argument. Isn’t that bad enough to recognize revolution as necessary?
But it’s also no longer the case. Technology can and will replace most human labor. Not to mention the fact that we all know that the Fed prints money at their will. They do not need us and do not want us.
If you think this is all fearmongering, I challenge you to take off your Red Hat/Blue Hat Thinking Cap and pull your frame of reference out as much as possible.
Why would a Superpower of a nation, founded on genocide and slavery, change? Why would that system, which benefitted the top greatly, decide to fundamentally change?
Wouldn’t it make far more sense that they continued this throughout the world, to become even more powerful? And they placated those at home with cheap entertainment and the idea that they, too, can become wealthy beyond comprehension- wasn’t that what the American Dream promised us?
Why would they do this if they had good intentions?
Why would a Superpower funnel so much money into media and propaganda? Why would they indoctrinate us from such a young age? Why would they continue to manipulate the truth? The media tells us that what we see and what we experience aren’t real. Why would they do this if they had good intentions?
Why would a Superpower manufacture inflation and buy up as much property as they can? Why would they put us in helpless situations, when they could easily do the opposite? Why would they do this if they had good intentions?
Why would a Superpower, with more military bases in the world than all other countries combined, funnel money into police departments? Give them military-grade equipment? Allow them to spy on us without warrants and kill us with impunity? Why would they do this if they had good intentions?
Why would a Superpower fund massive government contracts into spying on their people? Always. From anywhere. From the sky. From your TV. From your phone. What is the need? Why would they do this if they had good intentions?
Why would a Superpower funnel massive amounts of money into digital IDs and means of tracking the movements of the masses? Why would they build out a “Smart Wall” around our country? Why would they do this if they had good intentions?
Why would a Superpower with “trusted” medical institutions push dangerous and deadly drugs onto their people? Why would they treat us like experiments to be tested on? Why would they create the conditions of an insane society and then call the people of those societies insane and claim they need drugs to make them better? Why would many of these drugs make us sick and even suicidal? Why would they do this if they had good intentions?
The reason is simple: they don’t have good intentions. They never have. Ask the people around the world who have been bombed or starved about their intentions. Or the marginalized people in our own country who have been policed illegally or shot dead in the streets. Or the parents who can’t feed their children or keep their house, despite working full-time. Ask them about their intentions.
I promise you; we are in the belly of the beast, and we are the only ones who can stop it. It needs to start here. We, as Americans, need to stand in solidarity together and with the people of other nations who are victims of our tax dollars, and show that we will not consent to this any longer.
What does this look like? It has to be in the form of direct action. We need to fund mutual aid first and foremost. We need to financially take care of one another to the best of our abilities. This is the only way people can survive when they begin organizing and acting.
A general strike CAN work. Our labor is our leverage right now. We can use it against the powerful and they will not expect it. Their expectation of us is that we will do nothing because we can’t, but that isn’t true. We absolutely can.
We need to engage in mass noncompliance of voting and paying taxes. No more. Voting and paying taxes is our consent and we need to stop consenting.
We need to build local communities that can support one another and protect one another. We need to do this offline. I know that will be hard, but it isn’t impossible. We reach out any way that we can, and we get in touch with those who understand. There are millions of us- and that is all we need.
People always ask me, “what happens after revolution? It could be worse than what we have now.” This is an insane statement, because there is nothing worse than where we are headed. But if you’re genuinely interested in a blueprint of what this could look like, look into The Venus Project. I’m not saying it’s perfect. Nothing is perfect. But it’s an alternative system in which all power is decentralized, and money no longer exists. It’s a “resource-based economy” where access is outwardly available. It can’t be restricted, because there is no centralized power structure to steal it from the people.
Money and power will always funnel to the top. We need to think beyond this. No matter what economic system we try to put into place, those at the top will take advantage. They will hoard the resources and therefore the power and we will pay the price. Every single time.
What happens if we don’t organize and revolt? Many of us will be systemically killed off, period. This will happen through means of war in many different forms. But the war that you see on your TVs that *never happens in the US* will come here. It will be sudden and swift, and people will cower in fear because they have no support systems.
Others will be killed due to no longer having access to resources. No food. No water. No electricity. I know you think this all sounds crazy- but how many people around the world have experienced this? This isn’t “out of this world”, it is literally our world.
Those who aren’t killed will be nothing but debt slaves. Forever linked to that debt digitally and tracked everywhere. There will be no escape from this. There will be no leisure time whatsoever. No traveling. No dissent. If you dissent, you won’t have access to your money- which will be linked to your digital ID.
None of this is science-fiction. Many powerful people around the world have been planning for this for years. If you don’t believe me, then look into it yourself. The WEF is a good place to start, but it extends far beyond that. Follow the money.
As I posted earlier, I’m taking a hiatus from Twitter/X. I wake up, stare at images of blown-up children, see stories of despair and helplessness, and then read post after post of infighting.
I know there are positives to Twitter/X and I’m very grateful for the community I have connected with. But I need to hold myself accountable and DO SOMETHING. I don’t know what that looks like, to be honest- so any feedback is appreciated. I’m no one special. I am a peasant. But I just need to start somewhere, and my phone screen is not it.
I hope that this resonates with others, and they feel empowered to go into their communities and start something. Maybe we can connect about how to do this and gain support from one another. We just need to start somewhere.
I will end my rant with one of my favorite quotes:
Originally Published: 2024-05-02 15:37:33
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