Israeli politician and former army chief of staff Benny Gantz has admitted that Benjamin Netanyahu has blocked multiple hostage deals with Hamas for political reasons. Obviously, this means Gantz is a Hamas sympathiser, and so are you if you mention Netanyahu doesn’t give a shit about those hostages.
Two more hostages have been killed by bombs that Israel dropped on them, but the only people to blame are Hamas terrorists for making Israel do this. When we say “free the hostages” we don’t literally mean free the hostages, we mean genocide is okay because we have our excuse now. I thought everyone understood this? Benny Gantz certainly doesn’t.
Gantz has frequently been described as a “moderate” of the Israeli war cabinet because he says things like “if Hezbollah does not stop, Lebanon should burn”. Such words have provoked outrage from Netanyahu supporters who argue Lebanon should burn, even if Hezbollah does stop. As you can see, Gantz is always siding with terrorists by placing conditions on when Israel can and can’t do genocide. Sadly, he doesn’t consider the consequences of his recklessness.
The moment Netanyahu stops doing genocide, the truth comes out that hostages were needlessly sacrificed and it will be embarrassing for Antony Blinken when his guy is sent to jail by Israelis. It’s so much harder to dismiss Israeli courts as anti-Semitic than it is the ICC and ICJ.
I know you’re all shocked to hear you’ve been lied to about yet another war, so please just go back to believing our comforting lies. You’ll be less likely to lose your job that way…
All that matters is Hamas is evil incarnate and the bastards who funded Hamas should be jailed for the rest of their wretched… Wait, you’re telling me Netanyahu funnelled a billion dollars to Hamas to derail a two-state solution and admitted to all of this on camera? Okay, just forget I said anything… Sheez, this guy is not making my job easy, is he?
Netanyahu dirty-deleted a tweet saying he had no prior knowledge of the October 7th attack after realising he would get in trouble for lying about the intelligence he’d received. Please don’t mention this tweet has been memory-holed and sharing a screenshot is a hate crime that will get your name on the ADL’s naughty list.
Ten days before the Hamas attack, and three days before the attack, Egypt sent detailed warnings to Israel that a major attack was incoming, and the Egyptian head of intelligence personally called Netanyahu to explain the details, so naturally, Israel moved two commando brigades to the other side of the country, and when the attack happened, Hamas said they were stunned by the collapse of the Israeli military.
Israel was given the October 7th blueprints two years ago by spies in Gaza and those plans were studied by the IDF who described the coming invasion as “the biggest threat the Israeli Defence Forces are facing”. The IDF then decided to stop monitoring Hamas radio traffic (and banned civilians from doing so) because they saw this as a waste of effort. This is because they had more important things to focus on like monitoring western Twitter accounts for wrong-think. As you can see, Israel had its priorities in order.
The IDF had footage of Hamas and Islamic Jihad regularly training near the border fence with missile launchers, and their own intelligence officials twice alerted the government of the exercises on September 26th and 27th. Sadly, Israel had no way of knowing the footage obtained by its own officials was real and they were telling the truth, because when does Israel ever tell the truth?
The Israeli public were fully aware these training exercises were taking place because they could hear explosions throughout the night, but the military sensibly decided it was better to ignore them. Officers even told members of the public they were safe and one soldier who warned her superiors was told that if she continued to harass on this issue, she would stand trial.
The IDF leader in the area who tried to stop the Nova festival (and other raves) from going ahead near the border was overruled. Israeli military figures and citizens warned of the attacks three days in advance of October 7th, but were threatened with legal action if they didn’t shut up.
On October 7th, the brutal Hamas attack finally happened, completely out of the blue, and the country with the best intelligence in the world and commando brigades on the wrong side of the country and an iron dome that can stop 90% of Iranian missiles was powerless to stop… an air force of men in hang gliders.
What this tells us is that hang gliders are the deadliest weapons in the world, capable even of overcoming technology derived from crashed UFOs. The US blew its universal healthcare budget developing space age fighter jets, an iron dome missile system, and direct energy weapons, only for Hamas to achieve air supremacy by putting cloth over a metal frame. Truly, this was the work of Satan.
Sensibly, all hang glider manufacturing facilities are now considered legitimate military targets, but everyone is terrified of taking them on, given the ease at which they can overcome any air force that doesn’t try to stop them.
I guess we’ll never know how Mossad failed to see the October 7th attacks coming and the IDF failed to mount a proper response for hours, but Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested the attacks were a gift from god and explained Israel would never have been allowed to eliminate Hamas if they’d not taken place.
Also, a two-time Emmy award winning journalist has made a 7-part series breaking all of this down, but if you dare mention the existence of Ben Swann’s documentary, you are a terrorist, so don’t do this, okay? x
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Originally Published: 2024-06-15 07:49:59
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