It would be daunting, but invaluable service to democracy to wrap up the numerous symptoms of Maga, the constant fire hose of same, and the reactive symptoms —to the disease into context.
we need a fact based message concerning the point of all the symptoms. For example, the numerous lawmakers who have gone to New York dressed like Trump. They go in front of the cameras say what they say.—
What’s the point of it? Pretending it’s normal? Trying out for VP?
The lead story isn’t they are shouted at /shout down, by the crowd with gem of comments like,” you’re shilling for a rapist” or “ nobody cares, bro”.
Mark Jacobs and Dan Froomkin seem to be the only two individuals who keep discussing how poor the media is doing as the main point /and then providing the main point.
I just read a story of someone who had to leave Florida with his family so that his wife could safely deliver because she couldn’t get treatment from the OB’s because she was high-risk. As horrific as their experience has been simply telling that story isn’t enough. It’s not just a war on women. It’s a war to enslave women with real casualties, and the enslavement is derived from a mentality that views a woman’s worth solely as her ability to have a child. Like a brood mare. It seems to me that’s the main point of the story that needs to be told again and again. The Republicans don’t want just power and control for greed— they want power over people /their lives to keep them miserable so they can’t object to their corruption.
There’s no other sensible explanation for their actions.
Originally Published: 2024-05-21 06:31:07
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