So many people I read or talk to seem to think that we shrews are making inroads, primarily in the court system. “This is all crumbling down,” they cheer. “The truth is coming out, we are winning!”
Fat chance.
Now, I don’t want to be a 24/7 doomsayer—I DO believe there has been some successful pushback. But just like when an insect develops resistance to an insecticide, it may slow things down a bit, but in the long run, it only teaches the poison manufacturer how to develop a more effective toxin to kill bugs more efficiently.
That’s where I think we are these days. Just like the “virus”—the agenda is mutating so it has a better chance of continuing to hoodwink all of us. Mark my words, fellow shrews. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings (my apologies to overweight opera singers, no offense intended).
We all know what “limited hang-out” means, right? For those of us who need a reminder, here is a quote from Wikipedia (ha ha, I know, I know…)
According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”[1][2] While used by the CIA and other intelligence organizations, the tactic has become popularized in the corporate and political spheres.[3]”
Get my drift? Most of the “making inroads” stuff you hear is more than likely limited hangout stuff. How could it not be? All of these “crumbling” doctors, politicians, and alphabet soup medical organizations “finally admitting” their wrongdoing—oh please, gag me with a spoon.
Yeah, they “admit” they “made mistakes,” or that “they just didn’t have all the information,” but in the next breath, they still recommend vaccine boosters for the elderly and for children. Give me a break.
All the while these court systems we all think are finally “doing what’s right” return a guilty verdict in one of the most pointless court cases seen in the Western World since Freisler’s People’s Court of Nazi Germany (well, maybe not that bad, but headed in that direction!) When we see something like this, all an effort by Trump’s opposition to cripple the democratic process in the election of an American president, it can send shivers down your spine.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I say let the people decide. One more example of where the real crumbling is taking place—a crumbling US Constitution and Rule of Law.
Oh, right, right…the Trump case in New York is a clear example of the “Rule of Law”—rah, rah, boom bah. “No one is above the law,” as Trump’s presidential opponent Joe Biden proudly proclaimed after the guilty verdict (on all 34 counts, no less!) was handed down.
Do people really think that all that court nonsense was “fair” and business as usual in the US court/legal system? Do people really think that Trump’s trial, court proceedings, jury and judge selection, and verdict, were really not biased decisions, and not in fact entirely created as a partisan witch hunt in an attempt to remove competition because “he might just be the majority’s choice” for president (we can’t have that, can we?) Apparently, they do.
How strange. And those same people believe if Trump is elected he will destroy democracy? Democracy has already been destroyed, my fellow Americans—that is quite clear.
Again, I am not pushing for Trump as president (although he certainly would be a better entertainment choice over Biden. Biden is last season’s TV series, something new and bombastic would be more interesting). But attempting to get rid of him in this way is shameful. And if anyone argues, “We just can’t have a president who has broken the law!” they are naïve beyond reason. What about, “We just can’t have a president that can’t form an intelligible sentence.” After the debate the other night, it seems clear we’ve already got that.
Take the recent “defeat” of the WHO’s blatant move to take over the world with their insane Pandemic Treaty. The poison they spewed out with that obvious attempt was apparently a bit too strong. Too many people caught on that it wasn’t such a bright idea to do what they were trying to do. Does anyone really see that treaty failure as a big enough victory that they can go home and curl up in their big comfy quilt with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads? I hope not. The WHO will learn from their errors and go at it again, with a more subtle poison that will be more difficult to detect. And eventually, they will win.
Was the failure of the treaty a setback? Maybe, but Dr. Doom here doesn’t think so. The failure probably has some unseen craftiness, which they may have purposely planned. What about the tactic of limited hangout? Was that put into play in their failure? Maybe so. “Oh, yes, you are right, this treaty is too strong, we will fix it so it isn’t as “bad.”” And then they adjust a few things to make it actually worse but done in such a way no one pays the attention required in order to see the cleverness in which it was re-crafted. So, it passes—next time.
We must be very careful to keep our eye on the sparrow—to see through simple seemingly placating events that have the intention to make us relax and shift our gaze. This is difficult, because some things that happen are indeed legitimate and can be seen as feathers in our caps. We must continue to scrutinize everything, and be willing to see that our guard must not be let down no matter how weary we become.
This is a formidable battle, I do not believe it will ever just “crumble down”—more than likely it will very slowly evolve into the world we all hope to see. If you add a drop of clear water every minute to a glass of dirty water, eventually the glass will clear up. But it will take a very long time.
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Originally Published: 2024-06-29 15:00:26
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