Originally recorded during the 11/6/22 Episode of How Did We Miss That?, found here:
- Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/stream/25045
- Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1rv5ii-nato-preemptive-strike-ukraine-spin-prison-healthcare-too-expensive-starbuc.html
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNXHPgPJ2Zk
All episode links found at our Substack:https://independentleftnews.substack.com/p/how-did-we-miss-that-ep-58
Articles Covered in the 11/6/22 episode, all shared on Leftists.today between 10/30 & 11/4:
Story 1- Was NATO Planning a Preemptive Strike on Russia?
- NATO Had Plans for a Preemptive Strike on Russia Using the Cover of a French-Led Naval Exercise in the Mediterranean: Sonja Van den Ende, Covert Action Magazine
- https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/10/30/nato-had-plans-for-a-preemptive-strike-on-russia-using-the-cover-of-a-french-led-naval-exercise-in-the-mediterranean/
Story 2- Ukraine War: Narrative Managers Are Working Overtime
- PATRICK LAWRENCE: War as Presentation: Consortium News
- https://consortiumnews.com/2022/11/01/patrick-lawrence-war-as-presentation/
Story 3- Some Prisoners Don’t Even Get Healthcare in the US
- Prison health care is only available if you can afford it: Cecile Joan Avila, Prism Reports
- https://prismreports.org/2022/10/31/prison-health-care-hidden-costs/
Story 4- Bedbugs, Mold & more: Starbucks NYC Store on STRIKE
- Starbucks Workers at the NYC Roastery Strike Against Unsafe Work Conditions: Sou Mi, Left Voice
- https://www.leftvoice.org/the-bed-bugs-were-the-last-straw-for-us-starbucks-workers-at-the-nyc-roastery-strike-against-unsafe-work-conditions/
Story 5- Everyday Starbucks ILLEGAL Union Busting
- Labor Board Says Starbucks CEO Schultz’s Comment to Pro-Union Worker Was Illegal: Sharon Zhang, Truthout
- https://truthout.org/articles/labor-board-says-starbucks-ceo-schultzs-comment-to-pro-union-worker-was-illegal/
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